
Why We Give

For the believer is Christ, your decision to give must be rooted in something that far outweighs money. It must be rooted in our LOVE for GOD. When God loved humans, He gave us His only son. Love requires giving and our love and devotion to God requires that we GIVE back to HIm. On the practical level, we give because we know we belong to God and that we have received much from Him. When we give to Covenant Family Chapel we are affirming these truths and also helping to advance the vision and mission of covenant Family Chapel: MOLDING DISCIPLES OF CHRIST!!!! 

Ways to Give

Credit/Debit Card

Give using Quickclick our secure site. Give onetime or recurring. Stop at anytime you wish.


Zelle gives you the option to give easily. Give onetime or recurring. Stop at anytime you wish.


CashApp gives you the option to give easily. Give onetime or recurring. Stop at anytime you wish.


Paypal gives you two options: Paypal, OR Credit OR Debit Card. Give onetime or recurring. Stop at anytime you wish.